Training & Socialisation

There are many different types of training for dogs depending on their needs. Below is a list of some of the training we can help you with.

Behavioural Training.

This is to basically teach your dog manners, so they know how to behave when people are around, for example your dog may jump up on people when they come into your house. This is basic training for younger dogs, but is not restricted to age.

Obedience Training

This is teaching commands such as sit, stay and lie down etc. this training is also best suited for younger dogs although again not limited.


We never believe that all hope is lost with any dog. No matter how "bad" the dog is we will try our very hardest to help that dog and rehabilitate them. Whether it's attacking another dog to being scared of going out of the house, we will try our very best to help with any problems you may have with your dog.

Puppy Training

While we have your puppy in our care we will do basic recall training along with socialisation being out with the pack and seeing how the other dogs behave is a brilliant way for your puppy to get the training it needs and the stimulation it craves. Being out in a pack helps the puppy to learn how to behave and how to fit into the pack.